TONG-IL denotes the resolution of the unification of Korea which has been divided since 1945. The diagram (I) symbolises the homogeneous race.
- 56 Movements
- Start – Parallel Stance With Overlapped Backhand
- Finish – Right foot return
- Move the right foot to C to form a left walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with a twin fist. Perform in slow motion.
- Move the left foot to C to form a right walking stance toward D while executing a horizontal strike with a twin knife-hand. Perform in slow motion.
- Move the left foot to D, forming a right rear foot stance toward D while executing a middle inward block to D with the left outer forearm.
- Execute a low inward block to D with the right palm while forming a left walking stance toward D, slipping the right foot, and bringing the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.
- Move the right foot to D, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.
- Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while maintaining a left L-stance toward D. Perform 5 and 6 in a fast motion.
- Move the left foot to Din a stamping motion to form a right L-stance toward D while executing a high outward strike to D with the left back hand.
- Execute an inward vertical kick to the left palm with the right reverse footsword.
- Lower the right foot to D in a stamping motion, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a high outward strike to D with the right back hand.
- Execute an inward vertical kick to the right palm with the left reverse footsword.
- Lower the left foot to D, and then execute a horizontal block with a twin palm while forming a right L-stance toward D, slipping the left foot. Perform in a slow motion.
- Move the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a high side block to D with the right reverse knife-hand. Perform in a slow motion.
- Execute a middle side block to D with the left reverse knife-hand while maintaining a right walking stance toward D. Perform in a slow motion.
- Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward D.
- Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward D.Perform 14 and 15 in a fast motion.
- Execute a downward kick to AC with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 15.
- Lower the right foot to C in a stamping motion, forming a left L-stance toward C while executing a downward strike to C with the right back fist.
- Execute an outward vertical kick to BC with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 17.
- Lower the left foot to C in a stamping motion to form a right L-stance toward C while executing a downward strike to C with the left back fist.
- Execute a high punch to D with the left fist while forming a right walking stance toward D, pivoting with the left foot.
- Execute a high punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward D. Perform 20 and 21 in a fast motion.
- Move the left foot to D, forming a right rear foot stance toward D while executing an upward block with the left bow wrist.
- Move the right foot to D to form a left rear foot stance toward D while executing an upward block with the right bow wrist.
- Move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a pressing block with the left palm.
- Move the right foot to C to form a right walking stance toward C while executing a pressing block with the right palm. Perform 24 and 25 in slow motion.
- Bring the left foot to the right foot to form a closed stance toward C while bringing both back hands in front of the lower abdomen in a circular motion, hitting the left palm with the right knife-hand.
- Move the left foot to D, forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a rising block with the left knife-hand.
- Execute a high punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a left walking stance toward D.
- Slide to D to form a left L-stance toward D while executing an upset punch to D with the left fist, bringing the right side fist in front of the left shoulder.
- Move the right foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a high thrust with the right angle fingertip.
- Move the left foot on line CD to form a right walking stance toward C while executing a rising block with the right knife-hand.
- Execute a high punch to C with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward C.
- Slide to C to form a right L-stance toward C while executing an upset punch to C with the right fist, bringing the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.
- Move the left foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a high thrust with the left angle fingertip.
- Execute a low guarding block to C with a reverse knife-hand in a circular motion while forming a left L-stance toward C, pivoting with the left foot.
- Execute a low guarding block to D with a reverse knife-hand in a circular motion while forming a right L-stance toward D, pivoting with the right foot.
- Execute a low block to D with the right forearm and a middle outward block to D with the left knife-hand while forming a left walking stance toward D, slipping the left foot.
- Move the right foot to D in a stamping motion to form a right walking stance toward D at the same time executing a high vertical punch to D with a twin fist.
- Pull the right reverse footsword to the left knee joint, forming a left one-leg stance toward D while striking the left palm with the right back forearm.
- Execute a middle back piercing kick to C with the right foot, pulling both hands in the opposite direction.
- Lower the right foot to C to form a sitting stance toward A while executing a W-shape block with the outer forearm.
- Slide to C maintaining a sitting stance toward A while executing a W-shape block with the outer forearm.
- Move the right foot to D in a stamping motion, turning counter clockwise to form a sitting stance toward B while executing a W-shape block with the outer forearm.
- Slide to C, maintaining a sitting stance toward B while executing a W-shape block with the outer forearm.
- Pull the left reverse footsword to the right knee joint, forming a right one-leg stance toward C while striking the right palm with the left back forearm.
- Execute a high back piercing kick to D with the left foot, pulling both hands in the opposite direction.
- Lower the left foot to C in a jumping motion, forming a left X-stance toward C while executing a pressing block with an X-fist.
- Move the right foot to D, forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a front strike with the left under fist.
- Move the right foot to C to form a right walking stance toward C while executing a front strike with the right under fist.
- Execute a middle pushing block to C with the left palm while maintaining a right walking stance toward C.
- Execute a circular block to A with the right knife-hand while forming a left walking stance toward AD.
- Move the left foot to C to form a left walking stance toward C while executing a middle pushing block to C with the right palm.
- Execute a circular block to B with the left knife-hand while forming a right walking stance toward BD.
- Execute a high side piercing kick to D with the right foot, forming a forearm guarding block, and then lower it to the left foot to form a closed stance toward D while executing a twin side back elbow thrust.
- Move the left foot to D, forming a sitting stance toward A while executing a middle side punch to D with the left fist.
- Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while forming a left walking stance toward D, pivoting with the left foot.
END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.